Saturday, November 12, 2011


So it's November once again, and time for National Novel Writing Month!  In case you are unfamiliar with this, it is a literary endeavor undertaken by budding and aspiring writers to write a 50,000 word novel in a month.  I have been busy with school ever since I heard about it five or six years ago, but now that I have finally graduated, I have signed up and am on my way!

. . .Sort of.  Aside from the usual problems of, you know, writing a novel, I am very behind schedule.  I have been working extra hours and trying to see my boyfriend, and between the two things I am either too tired when I get home or have no time to write!  I am only on about 13,000 and I really should be closer to 20,000 by this point.  Yikes!  This basically means that on my days off I need to spend the whole day writing in order to play catch-up.  And here's where the actual novel-writing problems hit.  I have the basic outline for my novel (situations, characters, plot development, etc.) but I am feeling uninspired.

Truly, the only thing I have wanted to do is read, and I am even too tired for that.  There are just too many great things out there to read and I simply do not have enough time or energy!  So, I may not finish my novel on time for the competition.  Oh well.  I am a noob (as they say) and am allowed to be a little squirrely with the due date my first time around.  I guess what matters is I'm trying.  I'll let you know how it goes!

Until then -- on with the adventure!

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